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BlueLOGICO® shines in a new design

BlueLOGICO® shines in a new design

New user interface for maximum comfort

Lesezeit: 6 minutes | Wednesday, 10. Jul 2019

Better access to all functions

BlueLOGICO® is the proven solution for dispatching, telematics, and order control. BlueLOGICO® presents all fleet-relevant information in a clear and understandable manner, enabling efficient work and optimal fleet utilization.

In recent months, our developers have been intensely focused on optimizing the interface and user-friendliness of BlueLOGICO®, making various design and structural adjustments to the platform. Apart from its easy-to-understand structure, the new interface impresses with clear spatial organization, an elegant and refreshing color scheme, and appealing view logic.

BlueLOGICO® in Standard View

The user interface in the standard view consists of a navigation column with functional modules, a vehicle list, a section displaying live vehicle data, and a map showing the geographic positions of selected vehicles. Particularly new is the representation of the various functional modules with their clickable buttons in a navigation column on the right side of the screen. The dispatcher can choose to display them in a list or tile view as needed. Modules are opened by clicking on the respective function button, and BlueLOGICO® intelligently allows multiple modules to remain open simultaneously and be arranged as needed. In addition to the modules, areas such as the map, vehicle lists, or live data can be undocked individually and placed as desired. This flexibility in display allows the dispatcher to present all BlueLOGICO® functions, synchronized across multiple screens if necessary, to ensure optimal fleet control overview.

TEOS®: The Intelligent Information System

The new software interface of BlueLOGICO® also provides direct access to the TEOS® information system. This artificial intelligence system, integrated with all TachoEASY software modules, translates posed questions across systems into complex technical queries, establishes meaningful connections, and provides easily understandable responses—via voice output with a friendly voice, text, or visual representation. Using TEOS®'s voice-controlled search, the dispatcher can quickly find all relevant information about modules, vehicles, drivers, POIs, and much more. Additionally, specific questions can be asked, such as the location of a vehicle at a specific time.

User Manual: Getting to Know BlueLOGICO® in Detail

BlueLOGICO® was designed to be user-friendly without the need for extensive training. Since its introduction in 2013, the system has grown into a powerful tool with numerous functions. As part of the redesign of the user interface, a new user manual has been created that includes explanations of the new display variations and functionalities. Integrated into the software, it contains all the information about system overview, TEOS® search, and the numerous functions and modules of BlueLOGICO®.

System Status Visibility

BlueLOGICO® keeps the user informed at all times about what is happening. For example, a pop-up appears when a new message arrives or a predefined event occurs. In addition to pop-ups, the dispatcher can access triggered events in the "Message Center." And if - rarely - an error occurs, the user has the option to quickly create a support ticket to resolve the issue. This can be done without changing the view or menu, as the appropriate attachment can be opened either via a button in the main window or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + T.

#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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